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Warm Winter

Today I pruned a few rows of Niagara and a row of some new varietals that I bread years ago. It was close to 60F today. There was very little damage from the harsh weather last weekend.

The pups played in the yard

while I pruned. When they got tired and hot from chasing each other around, they would lay in the snow. I tried to snap a photo of them, but when I approached them they would get up and run towards me. I guess they thought they were in trouble.

The rescue people from whom we adopted the pups were half Husky and half Yellow Lab. You can only see the Husky half with the curl in their tails and they way they play in snow.

How this became a post about pups, well, I don't know. They are fun and mind well.

I was happy to have a warm day where I could be outside without gloves. Getting a jump start on the pruning will let me get to other work later.

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